Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Lost Me


Loss it seems is the worst kind of sorrow
Loss of a dream
Loss of a person
But what of the loss of opportunity
Opportunity for a dream
Opportunity for time with a person
Can not having the chance of loss
Be worse than loss itself
More prominent
More painful
An aching sense that if only you’d had the chance
You would at least have memories
Would it matter as long as you could remember
Loss it seems is the worse kind of sorrow
But worse still is the loss of opportunity


Loss of Time

A forgotten time
A forgotten society
A forgotten land
A forgotten people
A time of peace
A time of war
A time of grieving
A time of celebration
A time of loss
A loss of knowledge
A loss of dignity
A loss of loved ones
A loss of sanity
A loss of peace
A beginning of a new time
A beginning of new life
A beginning of new knowledge
A beginning of new peace
A beginning of new war
Its all a cycle
From a new beginning
To loss
To a time of difference
Till it is all forgotten
And a new beginning is forged.


Losses and Wins

Losses and Wins
An endless cycle
Often appear on the losing side
Yet things even out
In the end do we win some and loose some

Losses and Wins
Lost some
My best friend
Ten years of life
My beloved home
Forest Hills
Life's savings
An amazing chef
A secured job
Hong Kong
Mental health
A personal driver
Direction finder
Contemporary furniture

Losses and Wins
Won some
Power of One
A new chapter
No leftovers
Peace of mind

Losses and Wins
Accept the losses as lessons learned
The wins fumigate the losses
As one cannot put a price tag on the wins in life

Being wise and fool

Big gain big loss is a risk.
No gain no loss is secure.
Small gain small loss is safe.
Small gain no loss is wise.
Big gain no loss is luck
Small gain big loss is a foolery.
We have recourse to all these
Somewhere sometime impulsively.

falling tears

these tears i shed will never go away
the tears that fall, will remind me of that pain
the pain of loss is what i speak
the pain that made me fall to my knees
this pain is what i so despise but,
what can i do but fall and cry
i loss my way,
to this never ending pain
i loss reason
to why i should go on
the answers i come to will forever haunt
my dreams
this pain of loss
is what truly makes me sceam
this yelling person who is me
will forever continue to cry and sceam
thats why i hate to have these tears fall from my eyes
this nightmare of falling tears is what i really despise


Loss of memory

I thank the loss of my memory
Of those days when I had not a friend
I am thankful to the memory
Of those great moments when we are together

I thank the loss of my memory
Of those seconds prior to your reasonableness
I am thankful to the memory
Of the great dimple when you smile

I thank the loss of my memory
Prior to the reduction of your anger
I am thankful to the memory
Of those great sharing moments of your success

I thank the loss of my memory
For the reasons of our arguments
I am thankful to the greatest
Moments of my life with you.


 Peace n happiness wish...

Love is so beautiful,
In love there is loss,
Life is still beautiful,
Do not cause loss,
If it occurs to you,
Just accept it.

None causes loss,
It just happens,
Forgive those,
Who appear to have,
Caused loss to you,
Forgiveness is noble.

Let her be happy,
And at peace,
If she could not,
She would have a reason,
Let God take care of her,
Wish her happiness and peace.

Lost Me

You say its my loss
Is it really my loss?
Is it my loss caused you walked?
My loss cuased you turned your back?

I thought I lost alot
I was hurt,
I felt betrayed,
I felt everything was gone.

I lost nothing though
You lost me,
You lost my friendship
You lost something that might have made you
You lost me.

Who wins

No matter who win who loss
Control yourself
And wait and see
Things happening
In between win win
Loss loss
And see nothing.
What you are doing
Giving hundred percent
Efforts or not
How far you are
Stick to it
There is matter
There is nothing
Win or loss.


As i sit here
Praying to the havens
That you never loss that smile
That you never loss that gorgeous laugh
That your heart never brakes
That your love never fades away



Losing someone so special to you
Someone you loved so dearly
To lose that person
Is the greatest loss ever.
So how do you go on?
How can you make it another day?
After losing that most precious someone
How can you make it?
How can you survive with the endless tears
Each night you lay your head on your pillow?
What makes you go on?
How do you get up in the morning
Without your precious loved one?
How do you keep going on and on
With this terrible pain in your heart
That no amount of words
No amount of nature
No amount of belief
Can take it away from you?
It just lingers and lingers
As loss, loss, loss!
Where are you?
I miss you?
Why are you gone from my life?
I want you back
Why, why, why?
Yes, that is what it feels like – the loss.
Yet I am still here,
I am still surviving,
I am still going on,
I am still here.
Yet I feel as if a huge void is here in me
Like part of me vanished with you
And I need to get that part back
But wonder when I will?
And my loss is increased with
Not just losing you
But losing part of me too.
Do I have an answer to loss?
Do you?
The thing I can think of about loss is:
I am so lucky I got to know the precious person.
I got to see their beauty and their grace.
I got to enjoy their presence.
That I can treasure.
That I can keep
Special in my heart forever.
And maybe loss is just that – loss.
But just as we have loss,
We have all the special memories
That we can keep special in our minds forever,
And that is something we will never lose.
So maybe the answer to loss is to treasure the memories
Of our loved one
For as long as we have a memory
We never lose out, with loss.


When I Look at You

when I look at you
i see an endless universe in your eyes
an infinite unimaginable beauty
that I could touch every day but might never hold
in your eyes i feel a consuming loneliness
a soft hunger, a quiet thirst
an invisible erosion that everyday
silently takes more of you away.
Your lips are silent
but they still whisper
the smoldering hiss of desire,
a pulsing cayenne ember of a passion
that will inflame the heart and mind of any man
fortunate enough to taste of their fire.
I sense, about you, the grey aura of loss
a loss of love, a loss of people, a loss of trust, a loss of belief
they do not belong to you, they belong to the past
and if you cling to them,
you will become what they are
a memory...
I hear the music of your beating heart
a cacophony of sound
cleansing laughter and dancing rain,
the pregnant pause of a tear
the startled joy of exclamation
angry rolling thunder
the caressing whisper of dreams
a symphonic, new age, one woman band
with a string section
and i have fallen in love with the composition.

We can still be us

My mind is racing,
I can't make it stop.
Somethings gotta give
or my hearts going to pop.
I see things
my heart can't handle,
My mind says things to me
look at this, what about that
and when my eyes wet with tears
it asks me bluntly
what it is I fear
I can only answer
Loss of heart
loss of mind
loss of everything I hold inside
so dear
Should it have to be this way
I dont think it does
If we try hard enough
WE can still be US

Jealous Nature

Earthly love so soon corrupts,
And others peace, it interrupts:
The jealous human nature fears
A loss, if other love appears.
It's not our choice; second place
Means loss of power, loss of face;
To give up our own sovereign crown,
And sense the ties that bind, unbound.
If our magic touch seems gone
We think it best to move along;
Place faith then in another heart,
Till death or some new love, doth part.

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